Decoding the Mystery: Car Making Noise When Accelerating

A man sitting angry in a car

Table of Contents:

  • Top Causes of the Squeaking Noise;
  • Comparison Table;
  • Solutions for Each Cause;
  • Relating Symptoms;
  • Prevention and Maintenance;
  • Alternatives to Traditional Fixes;
  • Video Guide;
  • Conclusion;
  • FAQ.

Nothing can be more unsettling than hearing a peculiar noise coming from your car, especially during specific actions like accelerating. A squeaking noise, in particular, can be not only annoying but indicative of underlying issues that may need immediate attention. This guide will delve into the common culprits and provide solutions to ensure a smoother, quieter drive.

Top Causes of the Squeaking Noise

Several factors can lead to a car making squeaking noises when accelerating. Understanding the root cause is the first step in addressing the issue

Comparison Table:

Potential CauseSymptomsArea of Concern
Belts Wear and TearThe constant squeak that changes with engine speedSerpentine Belt
Pulley MisalignmentSqueaking that intensifies during accelerationEngine
Brake IssuesSqueaking when accelerating after brakingBrake system
Suspension ProblemsSqueaking during acceleration & over bumpsSuspension system
Transmission MalfunctionsSqueak accompanied by gear shifting issuesTransmission

Solutions for Each Cause

  • Belts Wear and Tear: The serpentine belt, responsible for driving multiple peripherals like the alternator and power steering pump, can wear out or get loose. Solution: Inspect the belt for cracks or wear. If found, replace it;
  • Pulley Misalignment: Engine pulleys that are misaligned can cause belts to squeak. Solution: Check pulley alignment and fix any issues, potentially replacing faulty pulleys;
  • Brake Issues: If your brakes are worn down, they might cause a squeaking noise. Solution: Inspect brake pads and rotors. Replace if they are worn out;
  • Suspension Problems: Worn-out or damaged suspension components can squeak, especially when the car’s weight shifts during acceleration. Solution: Examine the suspension parts and replace or lubricate as necessary;
  • Transmission Malfunctions: If the transmission is having issues, it might manifest as a squeaking noise. Solution: This is a complex area; consult a mechanic for a thorough check and necessary repairs.

Relating Symptoms: Car Sputters When Starting

Another concerning yet closely related phenomenon to the squeaking noise during acceleration is the sputtering of a car during its startup. This might seem a bit detached from the primary concern of this guide, but comprehending it can offer a more holistic view of the car’s health.

  • Why Addressing Sputters is Essential:

Just like a squeaking noise, a sputtering start can be indicative of underlying issues in the car’s mechanism. Often, it signifies that the vehicle is having trouble with the combustion process, which is fundamental for the engine’s performance. If a car sputters continuously during startup but fails to actually start, it becomes not just an inconvenience but a clear sign of a malfunction that demands immediate attention.

Prevention and Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to preventing unexpected squeaks during acceleration:

  1. Regular Inspections: Have periodic checks of belts, pulleys, brakes, and suspension components;
  1. Lubricate: Ensure moving parts like suspension components are adequately lubricated;
  1. Listen: Always be attentive to new or unusual noises and address them promptly.

Alternatives to Traditional Fixes

Sometimes, the solution lies outside the box:

  1. Soundproofing: If you’ve addressed the primary issues and some noise persists, consider adding soundproofing materials to dampen the noise;
  1. Upgraded Components: Opt for high-quality aftermarket components that might be more durable or less prone to squeaking.
The girl's car broke down

Video Guide

To finally answer all your questions, we have prepared a special video for you. Enjoy watching it!


A vehicle is more than just a means of transportation; it’s an amalgamation of complex systems working harmoniously. Just as a musician can detect a single off-note in a symphony, drivers develop an innate understanding of their car’s regular sounds and rhythms. When an unfamiliar noise, such as a squeak during acceleration, interrupts this symphony, it warrants attention. While it’s tempting to dismiss such sounds as temporary or inconsequential, they often serve as early warnings. Addressing these auditory cues promptly not only preserves the vehicle’s health but also safeguards the driving experience, ensuring every journey remains a pleasure rather than a cause for concern.


1. How urgent is it to address a squeaking noise when I accelerate?

It varies based on the cause. Some squeaks might be minor and not urgent, but others, especially those related to brakes or transmission, should be addressed promptly to ensure safety.

2. Can I use any lubricant to address the squeaking?

Not all lubricants are suitable for all parts of a car. It’s essential to use automotive-specific lubricants and consult your vehicle’s manual or a professional for guidance.

3. Are there any DIY methods to diagnose the cause of the squeak?

While certain methods, like visually inspecting belts or checking brake pads, can be done DIY, it’s always recommended to consult a mechanic for a comprehensive diagnosis.

4. Will the squeaking noise affect my car’s resale value?

If the cause of the squeaking is not addressed and leads to more significant damage, it might affect the car’s value. A well-maintained vehicle without persistent issues will generally fetch a better resale price.